With Valentine’s Day in mind, here’s the lyrics to a song of long ago charting the ups and downs of romantic love…. Here’s to a soft landing!
Be Prepared to Fall
Your life is full of fantasy
opium-scented dreams
I’m included in them
at least that’s how it seems
you’re heading straight towards me
nothing in your way
bright and clear
like the Oxford Street laser beams
on New Year’s Day
You seem to know
a Libran cannot live
without love
you see Venus
pacing back and forth
there’s tension up above
you see a sad harlequin
who’s lost her sense of humour
you want her
or so I hear
did you start that rumour?
It’s well known
that you give good phone
I dialed to lose my breath
but found no-one at home
I sat inside a vacuum
to think a little more
when my trance was broken by the bell
so I answered the door
A young man in a uniform said,
“Candi-gram Ma’am”
there was a card on the satin box
with a message that ran –
‘Don Quixote rules okay
pack your bags
we fly today
but be prepared
to fall’
Tonight you should be on graveyard
at Dante’s Interview
but you’ll slip away
by your chameleon hue
even your faithful entourage
won’t see you go
they’ll be getting settled
ready for the show
It’s midnight
I’m on the porch
duffel coat and all
hoping to see two shooting stars
and burst
and fall
like Alice down the rabbit hole
I’m past the point of saving
I’m falling for you
at the bottom
© Anne Beverly Brown 1981